What to do with all those leftover SCOBYs? How about Kombucha Kandy? Kombucha Kandy (candy) isn’t made from Kombucha, it’s made from the Kombucha SCOBY. Don’t expect the Kombucha Kandy to have probiotics, as they will die off when heated. Probiotics (good bacteria) can not withstand high heat. Go here to learn more about the Kombucha-making process.
- 3 Cups Kombucha SCOBYs cut into 1" pieces
- ½ Cup Evaporated Cane Juice
- 2 Tablespoons Muscovado
- 1 Tablespoon Evaporated Cane Juice
- Place cut pieces of SCOBY in colander or strainer; let drain for 20 minutes to remove liquid.
- Place SCOBYs and sugar in stainless steel pot on stovetop.
- On medium high, bring to a soft boil. Be careful, this will be HOT!
- Simmer for about 20 minutes.
- Remove from burner and let sit until completely cooled, stirring occasionally to help heat escape.
- Spoon onto dehydrator tray.
- Sprinkle with 1 Tablespoon Evaporated Cane Juice.
- Dehydrate at 155° for about 18 to 24 hours.
- Kandy/candy will remain "gummy" and sticky.

I made my newest batch with 12 cups of SCOBY – YIKES! I knew I had saved a lot of SCOBYs, but was surprised to see just how many I had saved! These will stick to the dehydrator trays. For my next batch I’ll try spraying or basting the trays with coconut oil. I’ll let you know how it works out.