Most links on this page and throughout this website are affiliate links. I may or may not make a small commission if you use these links. ( You will never pay more because it’s an affiliate link.) None of these products or supplements have been reviewed by the FDA. They are NOT intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. Please check with your MD before using any of these supplements.
Use this link to purchase from my New Hampshire sales-tax-free dispensary:
Food Supplements (aka Whole-Food Supplements)
I’m a real-rood advocate and think we should avoid synthetic supplements whenever possible.
My absolute number one, favorite supplement/food/superfood, is moringa oleifera! Unfortunately, Zija International was bought by Isagenix and they have completely changed Supermix, so that I can’t drink it anymore. And this, after 13 years!!! Unfortunately, I’ve not found a company that uses all of the medicinal parts of the plant and doesn’t also add synthetics.
Moringa is available at my Fullscript Store.
Innate Vitamin C is one of my favorites and is available at my Fullscript store:
One of the most important electrolytes that I’ve found, and what helped me tremendously when I was sick is QuintEssential 0.9. I was surprised at how quickly this seemed to replenish my electrolytes.
Cream of Tartar
Cream of Tartar, a by-product of wine-making, is rich in potassium (there’s approximately 500 mg of potassium in 1 teaspoon). You can get this by clicking on my Amazon affiliate link:
Food Grade DE (Diatomaceous Earth)
Bee Gold (Bee Pollen)
This brand of bee pollen, is tested to ascertain it contains no chemical sprays. This might possibly be the finest bee pollen in the world.
Citramesia is also available at Emerson/Wellevate.
Dr. Axe has a great information about Black Walnuts in this article: Black Walnut Fights Parasites, Heart Disease, Fungi & More
EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) Protection
How do you protect yourself from the radiation emitted from cell phones and towers, electrical plugs, wi-fi, etc., and even your hair dryer? Check out these reasonably-priced necklaces:
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