Why is “Sugar” Demonized???
Sugar encompasses a lot of different “sugars.” How many types of sugar are there? Off the top of my head? Sugar made from cane juice (sucrose), GMO beet sugar, lactose, and fructose. I don’t think we can lump all “sugars” into one group!
Let’s see if we can use our common sense to figure out if “sugar” is bad for us.
God made sugarcane. Man sprays it with RoundUp before harvesting, so yes, if it’s not organic it is probably bad. If it says, “sugar” on the package, it is now beet sugar made from GMO beets, in fact, they made it illegal to use anything except GMO beets!!! So yes, I’d think that type would likely be bad for us. It’s well known that high fructose corn syrup is bad for us—it is why even young people get non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Fruit is used to reverse cancer, so can fructose be all that bad?
Mother’s milk contains lactose, so is that type of sugar bad?
When sugar is combined with something that might reverse cancer, like ginger or moringa oleifera or even chemotherapy, it can be the delivery system to get the cancer buster to the cancer! Yes, there is a chemo that uses sugar. It’s called IPT chemo. Insulin Potentiation Chemo—the “sugar” (glucose) gets the chemo to the cancer and ONLY the cancer! People get this type of chemo and don’t lose their hair and can go right back to work.
I know someone who said he cured himself of prostate cancer by eating crystallized ginger!
The real question might be, what is the cost of using man-made, artificial sugars instead of real, God-given sugars?
The Sugar in Kombucha
The reason I added this to my website, is that I was asked about the “sugar” that’s used to make Kombucha. The organic sugar that Kombucha is made with is to feed the SCOBY, not for us. When the kombucha is finished, there won’t be any or will only be a tiny amount left in the tea. The reason for the “organic evaporated cane juice” is that it wouldn’t be sprayed with glyphosate before it is harvested. It’s probably not a great idea to be fermenting toxic chemicals in food.
The Sugar that I use for Kombucha:
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone in a Lyme forum say that “sugar” is really bad for people with Lyme. It likely comes from doctors who heard that rumor, also, and passed it on. I’ve never been able to find a study showing that Lyme “feeds” off sugar of any sort. I’m not saying there isn’t one out there, but I’ve never found it. “Sugar,” of the God-given type was instrumental in helping me reverse my own Chronic Lyme Disease, so it would be rather tough to convince me that sugar is bad for “Lymies.” Have we been told sugar is bad for us to help keep us sick? It’s the only explanation I can think of.
I’m NOT SUGGESTING that people run out and get some sugar. And I’m especially not suggesting that diabetics add sugar to their diet! Anything in excess, even water, can be bad for us and even deadly!
Have people been misinformed about sugar? Decide for yourself!